Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Location Ideas

For some of the scenes I choose to use the location of our very own school, Ravens Wood. The reason for this is that we want to portray the lifestyle of two young boys who are at the last leg of their education (Upper Sixth). Being a student at this school in real life gives us the opportunity to film when we want, also knowing the periods that would be suitable to film will be easier for us and also more convenient. Where as if we did this in another school we might not get the rights top film or be given the opportunities that we have been given in our school. Ravens wood school is also iconic for is enrichment so we are going to film us playing football/rugby, this is to give support the authenticity of these two best mates at school doing stereotypical activities that boys do at school. We are also going to film us in the hall ways, on the artificial football pitch, going in to the school with a shot of the schools logo, in the sixth form common room, with friends, with girls, with teachers etc... To again reinforce the authenticity of these two boys at school!

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