Friday 25 April 2014

Production of evaluation Q.4

Production of evaluation Q.4

This is a short post on which explains the theory behind the production of my evaluation question 4 and why i decided to film it in this way. I wanted my evaluation question to be very free flowing, as we moved from each technological device. It allows the viewer to watch my evaluation question while digesting various information on the technological devices we used and what impact they had on our production. The production and filming of question 4 was fairly simple, as it allows you to see from a ravens wood media student perspective. As you follow the student around the media corridors you are forced upon you information  of which shows you the various and best technological devices. As you can see here on the right we had already scrap planned which technological devices we used and hand written how the production was affected by these. Once these had been hand written they were each enlarged and typed up onto each sheet of paper. This then easily allowed us to print these off and stick these around the corridors completing my free flowing effect.

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