Monday, 30 September 2013
Potential Casting

Genre Task (Adventure)
As everyone knows there are a variety of types of genres such as action, adventure, comedy, horror, romantic, rom-com, sci-fi and thriller. Below there are film posters which portray each genre...
Genre Task (Action)
As everyone knows there are a variety of types of genres such as action, adventure, comedy, horror, romantic, rom-com, sci-fi and thriller. Below there are film posters which portray each genre...
Being an A Level student, this means i do not work or earn money, therefore not having a budget which can give justice to an action movie. As a pair Me & Dan have come to the conclusion that we will not be choosing this as our genre.
Being an A Level student, this means i do not work or earn money, therefore not having a budget which can give justice to an action movie. As a pair Me & Dan have come to the conclusion that we will not be choosing this as our genre.
Genre Task (Comedy)
As everyone knows there are a variety of types of genres such as action, adventure, comedy, horror, romantic, rom-com, sci-fi and thriller. Below there are film posters which portray each genre...
Genre Task (Horror)
As everyone knows there are a variety of types of genres such as action, adventure, comedy, horror, romantic, rom-com, sci-fi and thriller. Below there are film posters which portray each genre...
Genre Task (Romantic)
As everyone knows there are a variety of types of genres such as action, adventure, comedy, horror, romantic, rom-com, sci-fi and thriller. Below there are film posters which portray each genre...
Genre Task (Rom-Com)
As everyone knows there are a variety of types of genres such as action, adventure, comedy, horror, romantic, rom-com, sci-fi and thriller. Below there are film posters which portray each genre...
Genre Task (Sci-Fi)
As everyone knows there are a variety of types of genres such as action, adventure, comedy, horror, romantic, rom-com, sci-fi and thriller. Below there are film posters which portray each genre...
Genre Task (Thriller)
As everyone knows there are a variety of types of genres such as action, adventure, comedy, horror, romantic, rom-com, sci-fi and thriller. Below there are film posters which portray each genre...
Research Genres
Over the past month me and my partner Dan have been conversing on what genre we should use for the bases of our film. We have struggled with this task as we have not come to an agreement as of yet, because we have had several issues to take into consideration such as budget, cast, location, etc...
Monday, 23 September 2013
Trailer Research Task (Man of Steel)
I am going to discuss aspects such as sound, mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing, choice of titles, narrative, genre, casting and company credits in this trailer for the 2013 action film 'Man of Steel'. The reason I'm going to explore this trailer is so that I can have a better understanding of what elements an action film trailer consists of and what kind of structure modern film trailers follow.
The trailer begins and we hear tranquil, harmonious music that sets a sombre tone for the beginning of the trailer. It almost sounds like a chorus of angels and we see a still body floating on water which grabs the attention of the audience and is strengthened by the angel-like, almost heavenly music. Later in the trailer, as Superman clenches his fist and prepares to fly we hear an orchestra building to a crescendo, suggesting that something big is going to happen. As Superman propels himself into the air we hear a lower register voice with the tones of an opera singer which shrouds the imagery with a heroic tone, clearly highlighting that Superman is the hero of this film. Throughout the trailer, numerous shots of Superman in action are displayed but instead of hearing the explosions and punches they are silent and we only hear the operatic voice, ominously chanting in the background of them. This succeeds in making the trailer more dramatic and gives little information away to the audience, enticing them to see the film. The trailer ends on a low flat tone as the well-recognised Superman emblem fades onto the screen.
When we see Clarke Kent floating under water he appears naked from the top down and he looks very bedraggled suggesting that he is not very wealthy. We see a tracking shot of Superman walking in the snow with the wind billowing his red cape. We never see his face until later which creates a great deal of suspense. The red cape is iconic and immediately we recognise that this character is Superman. Not only does this cape represent Superman but we immediately understand that this is a Superhero movie. The cape also adds a great deal of drama and power to the character as we see it billowing behind him in the rush of wind as he flies. The Superman suit is a skin tight fit which defines the character's physique and shows off his abs and muscles which makes him a sex symbol and immediately draws a female audience to the film. Red and Blue are the colours used in Superman's suit, the significant thing about this is that red is associated with evil and danger, and blue is associated with good and suggests hope. If you explore the subtext of these colours then you can assume that although Superman is good and helps people he also has a dark side to him and is troubled. To complete Superman's attire we can see the widely recognised 'S' on his chest and back on Superman's home planet of Krypton the 'S' stands for hope. The 'S' on his chest is purely to show people who he is and what he stands for.
The trailer begins and we hear tranquil, harmonious music that sets a sombre tone for the beginning of the trailer. It almost sounds like a chorus of angels and we see a still body floating on water which grabs the attention of the audience and is strengthened by the angel-like, almost heavenly music. Later in the trailer, as Superman clenches his fist and prepares to fly we hear an orchestra building to a crescendo, suggesting that something big is going to happen. As Superman propels himself into the air we hear a lower register voice with the tones of an opera singer which shrouds the imagery with a heroic tone, clearly highlighting that Superman is the hero of this film. Throughout the trailer, numerous shots of Superman in action are displayed but instead of hearing the explosions and punches they are silent and we only hear the operatic voice, ominously chanting in the background of them. This succeeds in making the trailer more dramatic and gives little information away to the audience, enticing them to see the film. The trailer ends on a low flat tone as the well-recognised Superman emblem fades onto the screen.
When we see Clarke Kent floating under water he appears naked from the top down and he looks very bedraggled suggesting that he is not very wealthy. We see a tracking shot of Superman walking in the snow with the wind billowing his red cape. We never see his face until later which creates a great deal of suspense. The red cape is iconic and immediately we recognise that this character is Superman. Not only does this cape represent Superman but we immediately understand that this is a Superhero movie. The cape also adds a great deal of drama and power to the character as we see it billowing behind him in the rush of wind as he flies. The Superman suit is a skin tight fit which defines the character's physique and shows off his abs and muscles which makes him a sex symbol and immediately draws a female audience to the film. Red and Blue are the colours used in Superman's suit, the significant thing about this is that red is associated with evil and danger, and blue is associated with good and suggests hope. If you explore the subtext of these colours then you can assume that although Superman is good and helps people he also has a dark side to him and is troubled. To complete Superman's attire we can see the widely recognised 'S' on his chest and back on Superman's home planet of Krypton the 'S' stands for hope. The 'S' on his chest is purely to show people who he is and what he stands for.
The camera uses a close up on Clarke Kent under the water which shows that he is oddly calm, telling us that there is more to this character than meets the eye. We then see a long shot of Clark Kent's body which goes on for a while building tension and creating suspense, drawing the audience in. Another close up we see of the object Clarke Kent holds with the iconic 'S' that we all immediately recognise stands for Superman, this finally reveals to us the character's true identity which reveals to the audience that this is a trailer for a Superman film. We also see a mid shot on Superman when he is finally revealed to display his world renowned red cape which is again stereotypically associated with superheroes and heroism.
The scenes keep cutting back and forth from this older man with a beard and a bus which eventually crashing into what seems to be a lake. This effect reveals to the audience that what is happening in the scene is that this older man is having a flashback and he experienced crashing into this lake with his peers from his school! The pace of some scenes slow down so that the audience can get time to see Superman before the storm e.g. when superman fist is on the floor and the ground starts to move around him before he shoots of into the air...showing his sheer power and strength.
Half way through the trailer "NEXT SUMMER" is shown, this lets the audience know when the film 'Man Of Steel' is coming out, plus it creates anticipation having the trailer out a significant amount of time before the film is actually going to be in the cinema. Also having the title in bold means that it will grab the audiences attention whilst informing them when the film is coming out. Next we see in bold "FROM ZACK SNYDER" and "FROM THE DIRECTORS OF WATCHMEN & 300". Firstly 'Zack Snyder' is world renowned for his spectacular productions such as Sucker Punch, 300, Watchmen etc... Secondly the audience will straight away be drawn into watching this movie 'Man Of Steel' because they know how good Synder's films are! Lastly by showing the previous films that these directors have done, it means the audience can trust this film to be amazing!
In this trailer of 'Man Of Steel' straight away we are shown a male muscular figure lying on top of the water, which instantly intrigues the audience because we can see the aftermath of a man who looks to be dead, and yet the viewers have not been shown the conflict. Then the viewers keep on seeing scenes changing from a young dark brown haired boy and a man with dark brown hair...the audience can relate these two people together giving off the impression that this is a flashback and this young boy is this man that we keep seeing. This young boy looks distressed so we can tell he has had a troubled child hood leading to what type of a man he has turned out to be now. Then we go on a journey with this young man for him to find where he comes from. Then we see scenes of this same man in fighting scenes showing his significance that he is needed to fight these battles and showing that he has to fight his way through life! But because the viewers are only shown short clips of these fight scenes it make them want to watch the rest of the film to see what is going to happen.
The genre of this film 'Man Of Steel' is action/sci-fi. Knowing this genre, the viewers can already predict that the film is going to have a significant amounts of conflicts/fights, explosions and going to be very action orientated.
In this trailer we meet Superman, he is a physically strong, chiselled jaw and handsome looking young man, this is the stereotypical casting of the main character for Superman. We are shown this younger kid, he looks really cute and this is to show how Superman was innocent as a kid. We are shown Superman's mum, she looks very kind and soft showing the audience that Superman comes from a good and caring family letting the audience gain a bit of information on his relatives.
A voice over of a child's voice is heard "the worlds too big mum" followed with a soft mothers voice saying "then make it small" giving the child advice. This adds a story to the film of a mother and child, getting the now intrigued audience to watch the trailer. A distressed womans voice is heard saying "My son was in the bus, he saw what Clark did!" creating suspense and mystery around Clark (Superman) and what he done that this boy had seen! We hear an older mans voice saying "You've got to decide what you want to be Clark" this gives the audience the impression that this is Superman's father creating a lot more importance to what has just been said. Also this informs the audience that Superman has a dad. At the end we hear Superman's voice asking a question to the audience "What do you think?" which gains the audiences attention and makes them want to watch the rest of the film.
Warner Brothers Pictures appears at the start of the trailer, this is to show that the movie is going to be good because Warner Brothers are world renowned for their spectacular movies and that the film is always enjoyable. More Company Credits are shown such as; 'Legendary, DC Comics and Syncopy' and all of these companies are famous for the great films they produce and the movies that they are involved in, showing promise for the film that the viewers are going to watch.
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Trailer Research Task (The Purge)
From this trailer of the film 'The Purge' I am going to discussing aspects such as sound, mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing, choice of titles, narrative, genre, casting and company credits. The reason for going in depth on this trailer is so that I can get ideas and so that I can understand what consists of a film trailer.
We hear mechanic noises which is relevant to the security system being armed. A gun shot which is an audio effect to show violence and danger. Doorbell rings to draw attention to what or who is at the door. The daughter says "Nothings ever going to be okay" this sets the scene that it is going to be scary film and that bad things are going to happen. The dad then says "We will get through this" this shows hope.
Music - The audience can hear a piano playing soft music at the start which juxtaposes to the next bit of eerie and evil music. Patriotic music at the end whilst all the violence is going on this is ironic.
We see the Father of the family wearing a suit, this portrays wealth and that the family have money. The dining room is very posh and looks expensive with nice champagne glasses etc... We are also shown a wall with a large amount of trophies meaning the family is successful and has a history of winning. The audience are shown a birds eye view of the neighborhood were this family is based, and we can see the huge mansions agin showing the viewers of this families rich life style, also this will make the audience scared because it doesn't matter how rich you are terrible things can still happen to you...making you feel that no one is safe! Next we see a knife, symbolizing danger and death again backing up the point of this horror film. To reassure the audience of this families rich life style we are shown their mansion with security doors being enabled, which allows the viewers to deduct how wealthy this family are.
The first thing the viewers see is a long shot of a mother, father and kid with the sun in the background representing light/hope, also portraying the film is going to be family based. We see a close up on the dads face which shows him smiling and being really happy, this is ironic as the audience know that this film is a horror but the audience gets to see that this is a happy man with no problems which makes the fact that something bad might happen to him even worse. A long shot of the calm happy family sitting at their dining table to represent a normal family so anyone of us could be part of this film.
They cut from scenes and shots on to the next one very quickly to portray the fast paced and thriller packed action that entails a horror genre film. They focus more on the family to show the distress and not as much focus on the masked murderers to keep the mystery hidden also to keep the audience frightened and entertained. Also another main focus is on the wealth of the family and to make people feel that even though the family are rich...money cant save you! The camera also highlights darkness to keep the horror film and scare the viewers so that they can experience their worst fears in the dark.
"AMERICA, A NATION REBORN" portrays hope and change to a country that was previously in a terrible state, "UNEMPLOYEMENT IS AT 1%" and "CRIME IS AT AN ALL TIME LOW" backing their previous statement with a fact to get the audience aboard with the idea of the film and therefore not having any questions why there is a purge and not thinking its a stupid idea but again understanding the film and realising why there is a purge. "BECAUSE ONE NIGHT A YEAR creates anticipation then is tells the audience "ALL CRIME IS LEGAL" all writing is in capitals to emphasise the point. Special Effects - Young boy disarms system and the mechanic doors come down so you have a mixture between the props team and the visual effects team.
Narrative (What are the audience shown/not shown?) - The audience are shown a very rich and wealthy family who are very calm about the very serial and dangerous event that is about to unfold which makes the audience believe that this family have survived this night each year it has been running. The viewers are let to conceive that the family are safe because the security system has been armed, when the innocent son performs a selfless act to save a severely wounded man on the street by disarming the system therefore allowing the disheveled stranger to gain entry in to this family's humble abode. When all of a sudden the family receive a knock at the door from a eerie looking group of young adults, who give the family a task that if is not completed then all hell will break lose putting the families lives who the audience have just become attached to in danger. leaving the viewers intrigued and on the edge of their seat. The audience then see the group of delinquents in smiling masks and masks are normally associated with horror and evil reassuring the viewers that this is going to be a scary film. Again backing up the point of the scary theme the audience are shown a few shots of people screaming in terror and images of knives fully grabbing the audiences attention.
The Genre of this film is horror/thriller/sci-fi. this is clearly portrayed through the trailer. Just by looking at the genre the audience can expect this film to be scary, and it also will be an on the edge of the seat type of film.
They have casted stereotypical normal family are casted as the actors in this film, the reason behind this is because their are a significant amount of families in the world who now when they see this trailer will connect with the family in it, also the audience could experience what the characters are going through as they are so similar to the actors which makes the film much more scary towards the viewers. the daughter is also a very attractive young female so it will grab the attention of the male audience
The only company credit that is shown is 'Universal Studios'. This is very important because universal is a prestigious and one of the most well known companies ever! the significance of this is immense, this trailer only needs to use this one company just to reassure the viewers that this movie is going to be good and that a lot of money would have been invested in to this film. Also because of Universals years and years of producing quality films loved around the world, they already have a pre-sold audience of people who are going to watch the film no matter what, in hindsight gaining 'The Purge' a pre-sold audience.
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